Utilice los siguientes links para ser redirigido al visor. Todos los documentos están disponibles en el visor, en formato pdf, adjuntos al caso para el escenario.

Lista de escenarios clínicos:

I. Cirroris de hígado

II. Quiste renal

III. Ruptura de bazo

IV. Enfisema pulmonar

V. Neumotórax

VI. Transplante de riñón

VII. Cáncer de riñón

VIII. Hemorragia cerebral

IX. Tumor de tórax

X. Derrame pleural

XI. Cálculo ureteral

XII. Atelectasia

XIII. Neumonía Intersticial Inespecífica (NII)

XIV. Aneurisma Aórtico Abdominal

XV. Cirugía de revascularización coronaria


These scenarios are built following the Problem Based Learning (PBL) methodology, with the objective that the students acquire basic science knowledge that is better retained, retrieved, and later used in the clinical context using a real case.

The scenarios presented are written by non-physicians for education and pedagogical purposes only. The information described might not match the original patient history or some parts may have been fabricated for this purpose. All the identities in the imaging files have been anonymized through software, including the original file.

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